Pennuilla on nyt kaksi viikkoa ikää täynnä ja silmät auki- täältä tullaan maailma! Rekkarinimetkin on jo "työstettynä". Pojasta tulee Bullbugbear's Nero Wolfe, brindle tyttö on Bullbugbear's Neropatti ja punainen typykkä Bullbugbear's Neronleimaus.. eli saavat isänsä nimen tavalla tai toisella ;)
Puppies are now two weeks old and their eyes are wide open- here they come , watch out world! They already have register names ready. They are in finnish, but the main idea is that they carry their dad's nickname in a way or another..Boy will be Bullbugbear's Nero Wolfe, brindle girl Bullbugbear's Neropatti(=Wiseguy, suitable name for a lovely girl:)) and red girl is going to be Bullbugbear's Neronleimaus(=Stroke of Genius).
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